OVER 60's
While life may not be as busy as it once was now is your time to keep yourself fit and agile. Staying fit and healthy for as long as possible helps improve happiness and quality of life.
There are many benefits to consider such as:
Better cardiovascular health
Helps with flexibility & mobility
Improves bone density
Prevents falls
Assist with weight loss Improves sleep
Forms good habit
It's fun!
We offer a range of classes to support your visits to Banna Beach Leisure Club. Our popular classes include:
Stretch & Mobility
Classes provide the fun element to working out - you can bring a friend - or make friends through the class.
We also have our instructors on hand to help out in the gym for anyone that wants a guide. And if there's a class you'd like us to do then let us know and we'll see what we can do.
And exercise does not need to be all sweat & no play - join us on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings for tea, coffee, a scone & a chat around 11.15am (after aqua-fit).